The Magical Twisted Cowl - knitting pattern for pre-twisted cabled chunky cowl - soft cotton!

The Magical Twisted Cowl - knitting pattern for pre-twisted cabled chunky cowl - soft cotton!

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Location: United States

Category: Knitting & Crochet

Consumer type: Woman


Everybody loves a cowl these day, but they are so hard to get just the right amount of twist and rumple and poof, right?! Too much time and energy is wasted on wrapping and re-wrapping, flouncing and fluffing. Well, that was before THIS cowl came into your life!

This cowl is PRE-TWISTED...No muss, no fuss, just a cabled up perfectly twisted and poofed double-thickness cowl. The genius of this piece is in the way it is put together. It is knitted flat, and then seamed up to form a permanent inner twist. This isn't just a twisted scarf with the ends sewn together, this is a total whirley-gig twist! I saw it in a Gap piece a while back and almost went crazy trying to figure out how one end turns into the other end without ever finding the kink in the scarf.

My sister-in-law, the owner of the scarf, watched for a few minutes… and then slowly backed away, keeping her eye on me as I twisted and turned and folded and scanned that cowl. She was scared as she glanced sideways at my brother, who just shook his head and rolled his eyes. I finally figured it out though, and now I'm sharing it with youв you don't have to go crazy trying to figure out how they got that magical twist into your friend's cowl. You are welcome. ;)

This listing is for the knitting pattern in an .pdf file - I will email it to you.

Yarn: Knit Picks, Billow in J867- Cadet - 700 yards

Knitting Needle: Size 10 (I recommend 32" circular)

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