Easy Crochet Pattern DIY Like Lego Scarf


Location: United States

Category: Knitting & Crochet

Consumer type: Anyone


All my grandchildren love Legos and that is what inspired this scarf.

In this 10-page pattern with many tutorials, detailed pictures. I like to help you to make your Lego fans just as happy as my guys are.
The scarf keeps them snuggly warm. I made a build in pocket on each end for them to stick their hands in, because constantly lose their gloves. But it is up to you how you finish your scarf off. You can put edging or fringes..... however you like it.

In this scarf pattern, I show you how to make the blocks and how to crochet them together.
The Lego looking crochet pieces can be made into a patchwork or granny squares into all kinds of objects: blanket, headband, book bag, pillow, Ipad sleeve...... your imagination is the limit.

If you can crochet chains, single and double crochet stitches YOU too can make this just as you see in the picture.

~~~~~ This is a PATTERN, not the finished item!~~~~~~~~~
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~However I gladly help you with any of your project~

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