Crochet Pattern DIY for Walker or Wheelchair Tote Scrapbooked Digital Instant Download PDF File


Location: United States

Category: Knitting & Crochet

Consumer type: Anyone


This crochet pattern is to make a handy tote for walkers and wheelchairs. It is very welcomed by people , who can not carry everything they like in their hands because they have to maneuver their apparatus.All kinds of items can be transported by way of this welcomed gadget: There is plenty of room for their bottle, wallets, puzzle books or magazine, keys, Tupperware with snacks, music disks, pills to have handy, Ipad or tablets, books..............whatever else they like to carry. Make it in their favorite colors! Decorate it any way you like! You can add flowers or heart though a guy might prefer his plain (smile).

♥☆♥☆♥☆Special focus in this pattern☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥

No sew, no crochet together learn the very easy assembly of a braiding technique.


A tote like this you can crochet in 2 - 3 hours with a little practice. Even novice crochet fans can do this, since this pattern has plenty of how to pictures, and also a video tutorial for the basic stitches. You will get 14 pages of pattern instruction, mostly about the technique of no sew, no crochet together technique of braiding.

This collectible scrapbooked pattern can be purchased as a present for any crochet fan, so they can make the tote themselves. It is an excellent bazar seller, which potentially makes you more income as you also can offer totes in assisted living homes or Senior Centers.

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~~~~~ This is a PATTERN, not the finished item!~~~~~~~~~
~~~However I gladly help you with any part of your project~~~
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