Top 4 Tips to Leverage Pinterest for Your Craft Business

Posted by on Sep 11, 2018

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Top 4 Tips to Leverage Pinterest for Your Craft Business

The craft industry deals with those products that are handmade.


The craft industry deals with those products that are handmade. Businesses in this industry generally trade exclusive items such as traditional clothing, traditional crafts, decorative arts, papermaking, paper craft etc. Entrepreneurs in this industry mainly operate independently, and they rely on community support and locally sourced supplies to accomplish their business operations.

Whenever it comes to craft production, artisans manufacture products with hand tools instead of automation. The job is difficult, but craftsmen have the talent to accomplish it successfully. The real complication arises when it comes to promoting the visibility of a craft business.

You might have already understood the fact that the craft industry is mainly occupied by the small businesses. Due to this reason, it often becomes difficult for them to spend a lot on marketing. However, if they make the most of different online platforms, then it will become easier for them to boost the online visibility of their business. As a result, they will easily compete with the giant ventures even in the international market.

Tips to Leverage Pinterest

In this age of digitalization, businesses cannot underestimate the power of social media platforms. Pinterest is such a social network that you can use to share images, GIFs and even videos. You must consider adding this image-oriented social networking site in your marketing mix to make the most of your online presence. Pinterest will enable you to showcase and share your art and craft works and drive qualified leads to your website. Approximately 4% of Pinterest users promote their business with the platform.

Due to this reason achieving your conversion goals online will become easier for you. However, making the most of your Pinterest account is not as easy as it seems. You need to keep several things to make the most of your Pinterest account. Check out here some of the most useful Pinterest SEO tips and come to know how to leverage this social media platform for your craft business.

  1. Optimize the Profile: Before start pinning you have to focus on optimizing your Pinterest profile. It is always recommended to use the brand name as the user/profile name. Meanwhile, it is also advisable to use the logo of your brand as the profile picture.
  2. Optimize the Boards: Ensure that all of your Pinterest boards are appealing and well organized. Use your target keywords (product-specific) when naming your boards. In addition, it is also recommended to write the description of each board keeping SEO in mind.
  3. Optimize Your Pins: Pinning is a one-click job, but you should not take it for granted. Make sure that all of your pins are descriptive. It will help search engines to discover your pins easily.
  4. Hashtags Are Not Necessary: Whenever it comes to Twitter or Instagram, hashtags play a crucial role in boosting the reach of a post. But when it comes to Pinterest, hashtags do not play any role in extending the reach of a pin. So on Pinterest, you do not have to waste time on finding hashtags for your pins.

These are the four tips that you need to follow to leverage Pinterest for your craft business. For any question regarding Pinterest or any other social networking site, feel free to leave us a mail.

