Strawberry Pizza
Posted by Nov 24, 2011
onHi all!
I wanted to do something special for my brother's birthday this past summer. He turned 17, so anything too cutesy was out. He's also a very simple 17 year old, he doesn't like useless (in his opinion) junk!
So I made him what any good sister would... food!
I made him a delicious Strawberry Pizza!
I also made small individual pizzas with the ingredients I had leftover! It's a fun and tasty treat whether it's large or individualized!
Here is the recipe for both the original Strawberry Pizza and the Mini Strawberry Pizzas:
1 Tub of Cool Whip
2-3 baskets of strawberries
2 strawberry glaze packets
1 packet of sugar cookie mix
1. Bake the sugar cookies according to the instructions of your mix packet. Either bake the mix as one big cookie or as several smaller cookies!
2. Allow the cookies to cool. Also allow the Cool Whip to thaw at this time. You don’t want the Cool Whip to be completely melted, while you don’t want the Cool Whip to be frozen either! This allows the Cool Whip to be easily spreadable.
3. Once the cookies are cooled and the Cool Whip is thawed, spread the Cool Whip over the cookies.
4. Now, cut the strawberries to your liking. (You know, halves, quarters, little bits, etc.) Here is when you would mix the strawberries with glaze if you decide upon that. I recommend chilling the glaze before putting it upon your pizza because then it will already be cooled to eat! If you’ve decided to stick with regular strawberries, you can place them upon your cookie pizzas whichever way you desire!
An extra idea for Strawberry Pizza is to add additional fruits like clementines, raspberries, etc.! I would have added more fruit, but I wasn’t quite sure what other fruits my brother would have liked on it. Strawberries was a safe option!
Without further ado, happy baking and even happier eating!
Materials: Cool whip, strawberries, strawberry glaze, sugar cookie mix
Materials: Cool whip, strawberries, strawberry glaze, sugar cookie mix