Primrose the Summer Love Bug

Posted by on Oct 26, 2016

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Primrose the Summer Love Bug

Primrose the Summer Love Bug

After he offended all the mothers in Bugsville because he refused to date their very eager daughters, our silly boy (Spring Love Bug) decided to sign up with the Bugs Connection Dating Service and import a mail order bride from Florida! You cannot believe the flying rumors, especially when the girl did not provide a selfie and it was discovered that she did not have a Facebook nor an Instagram page. Oh, the comments! Our poor fellow was terrified when they told him she was probably too ugly for words, and that that was the reason he couldn't get her to spend some time chatting with him on a well known video site. With trepidation, he went to receive the package in which she traveled. After opening it, out came his super cute bride and it was total love at first sight. Don't you think the Bugs Connection Dating Service sent him a real cutie?

Follow the easy pattern to make this absolutely precious and hilarious love bug bride! You will find it here:

And I have included a photo of the little couple, the Love Bugs! Don't you just love them?

Materials: Acrylic yarn, H crochet hook, scissors, fiberfill, blunt needle

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  • Primrose the Summer Love Bug

