Neckline Styles
Posted by Jan 29, 2018
onJust like the waistline, the neckline style is a defining factor when it comes to the overall look and feel of your outfit. Your choice of neckline styles defines whether your outfit is formal or casual, feminine and playful or sophisticated and stylish.
There are a few factors to consider when choosing the right neckline style for your garment; including body shape, bust size, décolleté line, shoulder size, neck length/thickness and face shape.
Conventional wisdom might suggest that large breasted gals opt for higher necklines but this is actually a bad idea…the higher the neckline, the lower set it will make you lovely ladies appear so you should be going for medium cuts. Also, the wider the cut of the neckline, the broader your shoulders will appear –so you can offset a wide hip with the illusion of balance in this way!
Personally, I was surprised by the sheer number of necklines I uncovered which researching this article, the more I searched the more I discovered. Take a look through because there's a clever choice for every body type and also quite a few unwise choices…you're bound to get some new wardrobe and project ideas from this lengthy and hopefully very handy list of neckline styles.
Know the neckline styles here: