Lucky Pineapple Plant Hangers

Posted by on Aug 18, 2017

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Lucky Pineapple Plant Hangers

The Lucky Pineapple Plant Hangers are a simple, quick pattern - perfect for gifts, party favors, and any spare moment! You can make 10-30 of them using one skein of Lion Brand Fast-Track, which makes it a wonderful craft fair pattern too.

To make them you need just two things - Lion Brand Fast-Track and air plants (okay, and a crochet hook).

I added a tiny hanging loop to my Lucky Pineapple Plant Hangers so I can hang them up around the house in fun and unexpected places. But you can just as easily leave the loop off and use them like little pots, as shown here. Without the dirt, there’s no worry about leaks or anything - you can pop a little pineapple wherever you like! And since air plants come in such a wide variety of sizes, I’ve included three sizes of Lucky Pineapple Plant Hangers (plus a link to where I bought my air plants).

Materials: Lion Brand Fast-Track, US-N-9mm hook, air plants

Materials: Lion Brand Fast-Track, US-N-9mm hook, air plants

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  • Lucky Pineapple Plant Hangers

