Kid's Activity Calendar
Posted by Apr 19, 2012
My daughter likes to know what she is doing each day and the loves looking forward to activities in the future. I figured creating a calendar just for her would be a great way for her to see what's going on. We used pictures with the associated word underneath since she's too young to read.
I used a large piece of fiberboard, glued down some batting and then stretched and stapled down the fabric. Then I added the ribbon using thumb tacks to hold it in place on the back side and weaved the ribbon so it would interlock and stay in place.
All of the numbers, activities, days of the week and months were made with cardstock, laminated and then I hot-glued thumbtacks on the back. We also created a marker that shows what day today is. I used a hairclip, glued a piece of velcro to it and added our laminated cardstock sign "today" onto it using the velcro.
She loves moving the "today" sign and looks forward to the big activities. She's also learned her days of the week from using the calendar!
Materials: fiberboard, batting, staple gun, thumb tacks, fabric, ribbon, cardstock, laminator, glue gun, hair clip,