Jumpsuit Fabric Pattern

Posted by on Mar 11, 2016

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Jumpsuit Fabric Pattern

I love jumpsuits! I love sewing them even more!! My most recent 'make' of a jumpsuit wasn't actually a jumpsuit but a separate top and trousers. It was for my last holiday. I wore my 'jumpsuit' in Vegas, washed it, then wore it again in LA. I loved it so much. The sewing pattern I chose was New Look 6216 and some gorgeous fabric.. Pic 1 This is one of my favourite patterns ever. I love the simplicity of it. I've made the trousers a few times, always successfully. So I had no hesitation at using it again. The pockets are so easy to do. Lots of sewers miss out pockets because they can be fiddly but I feel I need my pockets! What with mobiles, hankies etc I feel lost without them. So when you want a quick make this is the pattern for you. I set off just making the trousers but soon realised the top would look good in the same fabric. I was worried that it might look like I was wearing my pyjamas! But once I'd tucked the top in, I thought it looked brill.

As always I washed the fabric first and dried it in my tumble dryer and yes it shrunk a little but everything will be fine now. I can wash it when I want and as much as I want. This fabric does actually have a one way design so care must be taken to ensure all the pieces are cut the same way. It may mean buying a little extra fabric but this will also cover any shrinkage. Pic 2 The actual pattern piece for the pockets is just one piece, it folds back on itself. The next photo shows the neatness of it. Pic 3 When sewing the top, the neckband and the sleeve bands are sewn on separately. The stretch stitch on my machine came in really handy for sewing these bands on. I would advise anybody upgrading their sewing machine or purchasing their first machine to ensure there is a stretch stitch on it. Pic 4 This last photo pretty much sums up how much I love my 'jumpsuit'...

Materials: fabric, new look pattern 6216

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  • Jumpsuit Fabric Pattern
  • Jumpsuit Fabric Pattern
  • Jumpsuit Fabric Pattern

