How to Sew on Buttons with a Sewing Machine
Posted by Feb 03, 2021
onI'm such a lazy sewer that I feel almost embarrassed to share what I did last week. I had to sew on a couple of buttons and rather than get out a needle and thread and hand-sew them, I actually took the time to look at my machine manual and learn how to sew them by machine instead.
In the end, I'm glad I did. They took almost no time at all, looked much neater than I could have sewn by hand, and are probably much stronger too.
I can tell you this is easy because I did this video of me sewing on the very first ever machine sewn button. Both the first one and the second one came out perfectly! I was so worried I was either going to break the needle or break the button, but I was worried over nothing – it's so sew easy!
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