Funmigurumi Cuddlers - Plattie the Platypus
Posted by May 09, 2014
Funmigurumi come in almost all shapes and seem to take on a life of their own when put together to run and fly across the internet on wings of love and legs of enthusiasm. The Cuddler series has been tremendously popular, with each installment seeming like the peak, and then the next one comes along and surpasses it. I had not seen any crochet Amigurumi Platypuses in the groups that I frequently participate in, so I decided to make one and add it to the Cuddler series. Plattie is the result. She is totally lovable, so be careful, because she might steal your heart!
Size - 13" L x 9" W
Skill - Intermediate
You will find the FREE pattern here:
Materials: Red Heart acrylic yarn, Crochet hook size H, Scissors, Fiberfill, Blunt needle, Measuring tape (to center things) and pins
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