DIY Tricks to Perk up Your Wall
Posted by Jul 21, 2014
onEvery home reflects the personality of its inhabitants. The more love and attention you shower on it, the more it blossoms.
If possible you would want to give a complete makeover and a fabulous redo to your interior décor every year to keep it beautiful, stylish and trendy. But this is virtually impossible due to the high costs involved. So here are some simple and easy DIY tricks to make your interiors come alive without spending a lot on them.
Wall art changes the look of rooms, and adds novelty and variety to any décor. Invest in a few beautiful paintings or try any of the ideas suggested here.
DIY tricks are cost-efficient and give you wonderful results, so get crafty!
Wine Cork Display
Wine corks have plenty of uses and are among the favorites of die-hard DIY craft-ers. So what’s new to try out and will look great on the walls?
Here is a beautiful wine-cork wall hanging to put up in your living room.
You can use construction mastic or a plywood board for the base. The wall art will require around 800 wine corks so it will be quiet heavy. To balance the weight, use a thinner base that won’t weigh a great deal.
Flatten the base of the cork with a pen knife (remember not to saw off a great deal). Use a sandpaper and give a smooth look to the cork (again, don’t rub too vigorously, the raw look is desired). There should be a variation in height as you stick the corks on.
You need not follow any rigid pattern; just paste the flat surface on the mastic with construction adhesive and press firmly. Closely glue all the corks and let the design develop organically.
You need not have a strictly rectangular shape for the wall art. The edges are best left rugged and jagged, so that the shape of the plywood base cannot be made out.
Once they are done, use a clear glaze spray to give them a glossy look; and your wall art is ready!
Beautiful Wall-Hanging Menu Plan
This is a really easy DIY trick that any mom will love.
How often have you been pestered with “Mommy, what’s for dinner tonight?” by your kids? So why not have it all written out neatly and hung on the wall?
All you require is: a picture frame (12×12) with a glass front, a beautiful patterned scrapbook paper or wall paper, and a marker.
Remove the behind of the frame and slip in the scrapbook paper or the wall paper, and replace the back. Hang it on the wall in the kitchen and be proud of the result!
You can write down the menu for the week on the glass frame with the dry-erase marker. You can make it as fancy or as simple as you wish. You can print out fancy fonts and stick the names of the days on the frame; and write out the weekly menu against them.
You can also use the frame to write down the daily-to-do list or reminders.
Not only does your wall look great, your lovely craft work is quiet handy and useful as well.
Mirrors Are Lovely
If you happen to visit an antique shop pick up a few-oddly shaped and intriguing mirrors. Arrange them on your wall to get a beautiful collage.
Vintage Painting Frame Gets Life
If you have a really big (must be 16x 20
measured from the outside) vintage frame sitting idle in the attic, you can put it to good use in the form of a vertical succulent garden.
You need chicken wire, 2 planks of plywood, cactus soil and screws/nails.
Firstly, you need to insert the chicken wire from the back of the frame. Have it covering the face of the frame like glass would normally do in the case of paintings. It should jut out a bit because your succulents would be growing through them to the outside; thus filling up the frame.
Staple the chicken wire to the back. Screw in plywood strips along the four sides of the back of the frame so that the edges of the wire are secure and not visible.
Line the wire with a thick layer of Spanish moss and spread out cactus soil to the brim over it. The moss prevents the soil from slipping out of the wire.
Hammer in a plywood plank base. The plywood base keeps the soil secure and tight in the frame.
Now turn the frame face up. You can see the moss through the wire. Fill up with the succulent clippings you have.
You can give the frame a fresh coat of paint, or leave it as it is, in true vintage style.
Succulents do not require watering; so you are on your way to growing the ultimate DIY vertical succulent garden!
You can hang it up on the wall in the patio. Since the ‘framed garden’ is really heavy you might require professional help to do so.
Photogenic Clock
Photographs always make for interesting wall art. If you are proud of your work on Instagram and have an envious fan following, then this DIY wall art is for you.
You will require a clock and 12 outstanding photographs from your collection. But the 12 pictures need to tell a tale, in unison. It could be the 12 great cities you have visited, the first 12 months of your daughter’s life or the 12 best pictures of you with a loved one/pet. Hope you already have your 12 sorted.
Get some pretty but coordinated (and not too big) frames for the pictures.
Now scour shops for a clock that does not have numerals or markings to show time, meaning the ticking hands are all that you have on the plain clock.
Keep the clock in the center and arrange the 12 pictures around it.
Isn't it amazing, and a truly personalized piece of wall art?
Walls need to be decorated. With a little ingenuity you can get yours to tell a beautiful story.