DIY Gold Marbled Pencil Cup

Posted by on Jul 26, 2016

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DIY Gold Marbled Pencil Cup


  1. Drop gently a few drops in your water tub. Use the popsicle sticks for that.
  2. Use the popsicle stick to swirl the gold around a bit and spread it evenly over the water.

  3. Then hold the pencil cup sideways and roll it gently over the surface of the water. As you roll, it will take up the gold from the surface. Continue to roll until you’re happy with the coverage.

  4. Place the cup on a paper towel to dry. Let the cup completely dry.

Brought to you by Immaculate Commercial Cleaning in Marietta GA

Materials: metal pencil cup, small tub filled with water, paper towels, popsicle sticks or toothpicks, liquid gilding

