Brilliant Vintage Map Suitcase
Posted by Aug 08, 2016
onI love decorating with maps and used the to decorate a vintage suitcase. I didn’t cover the whole of the suitcase with maps I just cut out bits and stuck them on as I still wanted to see the vintage case underneath. The map is for decoration and to add interest not to cover up the whole suitcase.
If you think the outside looks great wait until you see the inside it gets even better. To carry on with the map theme I lined the suitcase with some fantastic map fabric.
I love this revamped suitcase, it's great for storing all my travel memorabilia and looks so good I'm more than happy to have it on display.
Materials: Vintage suitcase - Should be able to get one really cheaply, as it doesn't need to be in the best condition as you will be revamping it. World map wrapping paper Map Fabric 1/2 yard approx Wire wool Mod Podge Cardboard
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