Arcade Cowl

Posted by on Sep 11, 2015

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Arcade Cowl

Use your aran or bulky weight yarn to knit this cowl. Check your gauge if you want the same size garment. This cowl was knit using Interlacements Vixen. It is 120 yards in 3.5 ounces. You will need 3 skeins, or 360 yards.

Arcade: a series of arches supported by columns.
A blend of texture, lace and cables, this pattern shows off your yarn and knitting skills. Complex, but easy to knit, this cowl will fly from your needles. You will stay warm and look good.

Materials: Bulky Yarn, US # 9 needles, blocking board, tapestry needle

Materials: Bulky Yarn, US # 9 needles, blocking board, tapestry needle

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  • Arcade Cowl

