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Yorkshire Morning Mitts (Free Knitting Pattern)

When the sun shines in Yorkshire, United Kingdom, it becomes one of the most beautiful places in the world. Since the weather can change in a moment, fingerless gloves are the perfect year-round accessory. The cable and lace panel along the top add interest for seasoned knitters and practice for newer knitters, without being fiddly. They’re the perfect choice to show off a beautiful skein of solid luxury or hand-dyed yarn.

Finished Size 6 1/4 (7 1/4)(16 [18.5]) cm in circumference and 9 (10 1/2) (23 [26.5] cm) long. Mitts shown measure 6 1/4" (16 cm).

Yarn DK weight (#3 Light) Shown here: Rowan Pure Wool DK (100% superwash wool; 142 yd [130 m]/50 g): #048 clay, 1 (2) balls.

Needles U.S. size 3 (3.25 mm): set of 4 double-pointed (dpn). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.

Notions Cable needle (cn); markers (m); waste yarn; tapestry needle.

Gauge 24 sts and 34 rows = 4" (10 cm) in St st.

Note: Mitts are worked in the round.

Step 1


WRIST CO 37 (43) sts. Place marker (pm) and join for working in the round, being careful not to twist sts. Work in garter st (purl 1 rnd, knit 1 rnd) for 5 rnds. Change to St st and work 4 rnds even.

Set-up rnd: Work Yorkshire Cable chart over 17 sts, pm, knit to end.

Cont as established, work Rnds 1−6 of chart 6 (7) times.

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Step 2

THUMB GUSSET Rnd 1: Work in patt to m, sl m, k1, pm for gusset, k1f&b (see Techniques), k1, k1f&b, pm for gusset, knit to end—39 (45) sts; 5 sts between gusset m.

Rnds 2−3: Work even.

Rnd 4: Work to gusset m, sl m, k1f&b, knit to 1 st before next m, k1f&b, sl m, knit to end—2 sts inc’d between gusset m.

Rep Rnds 2−4 four (five) more times—49 (57) sts; 15 (17) sts between gusset m.

Work 2 rnds even.

Next rnd: Work in patt to gusset m, remove m, place next 15 (17) sts on waste yarn for thumb, remove m, use the backward loop method to CO 3 sts, knit to end—37 (43) sts rem.

Step 3

HAND Work even until you have completed a total of 11 (13) reps of chart, ending with Rnd 6. Beg with a purl rnd, work in garter st for 5 rnds. Loosely BO all sts.

Step 4

THUMB Place 15 (17) held sts on needle. Join yarn, pick up and knit 3 sts from CO edge, pm and join to work in the round—18 (20) sts. Knit 6 rnds. Beg with a purl rnd, work in garter st for 5 rnds. Loosely BO all sts.

Step 5


WRIST Work as for right mitt.

Step 6

THUMB GUSSET Rnd 1: Work in patt to last 4 sts, pm for gusset, k1f&b, k1, k1f&b, pm for gusset, k1—39 (45) sts; 5 sts between gusset m. Complete as for right mitt.

Step 7

FINISHING Weave in ends. Block.

Step 8

This pattern is excerpted with permission from 3 Skeins or Less: Fresh Knitted Accessories by Tanis Gray (Interweave/F+W; $24.99).

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