This Vision Box,
a vintage-inspired jewelry box, has surprisingly humble origins. Can you guess the source of this upcycled project, brought to us from TV personality Mark Montano? Hint: it'll leave you curiously refreshed.
Montano, our expert this week, made this for a friend and told her to open it right before she went in to a party. He says, She had always felt like a wallflower at parties, and I had a feeling this little magic box might help give her some confidence. It did. The magic of this I AM Beautiful Vision Box is that it’s small enough to keep in your purse and you can use it as a reminder to yourself that indeed, you are beautiful.
Materials & Tools:
-Small Altoids Minis box -Doll’s hand -Pearl -Charms and beads from some junk jewelry -Any image you like -Book pages -Elmer’s glue -E-6000 Craft Adhesive -Butterfly image -Printout of your Vision Box saying -Black spray paint -Silver acrylic paint -Rag -Scissors -Paintbrushes -Silver glitter
The author used these products for the project. Substitute your choice of brands, tools, and materials as desired.
Source Design Originals?ProductCode=DO5378Step 1

Spray paint your mini Altoid box black and let dry. Dab with some silver acrylic paint to give it a nice effect.
Step 2

Cut your book pages to fit inside the lid and base of the box and glue them in with Elmer’s glue. Add extra glue around the edges and sprinkle with the silver glitter.
Step 3

Glue in your image. I think it should be a photo of you. Glue on your magic mojo saying. With tiny dabs of E-6000, add your hand, pearl, charms, and beads, and allow them to dry. Glue on your butterfly image over the bottom of the hand.
Step 4

Using E-6000, glue a charm, cameo, or piece of jewelry to the lid of the box and let dry.
Step 5

Stash in your purse or backpack.
Step 6

Excerpted from Vision Box Idea Book
by Mark Montano, published by Design Originals, a division of Fox Chapel Publishing.