Posted by Janie Yap on
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Vertical Succulent Garden from a Wood Pallet

Do you still have a pallet? Don’t throw it away, because you can do such fun things with it in the garden. From lounge sofas to vegetable gardens: pallets are fantastic! This time I will tell you how to make a vertical succulent garden.

A vertical garden is incredibly easy to make if you stick to the following step-by-step plan.

Step 1

Sand the pallet and possibly give it a different color. Green succulents, for example, stand out better when the wood is dark. Place the weed barrier over the pallet, fold it back 2x and cut the cloth. By using it several layers, the weed barrier is firmer.

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Step 2

Staple the cloth with a staple gun. There is no guideline on how many staples to use, but make sure the cloth is secure and cannot tear.

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Step 3

Lay the pallet with the weed barrier on the ground and fill it with soil. Make sure you place the vertical garden where it should be, because once filled the project is almost impossible to move.

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Step 4

Plant the succulents randomly in the planter. Leave the pallet for at least 1 week so that the roots can grow well.

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Step 5

Succulents are very easy to maintain and look great both in the house and in the garden. But you are not obliged to use these plants. It also works well with herbs or other ‘small’ plants.

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