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Upcycled Cardigan Sweater with Doily

Don't throw out Grandma’s doilies! A delightfully feminine way to personalize any sweater, this project recycles old bits of lace as decoration, and it covers up any stained or moth-eaten jersey.

Adapted from Sweat Shop Paris by Martena Duss and Sissi Holleis, published by Andrews McMeel Publishing.

What you need: a cardigan lace or crocheted doily

Source ,Amazon.com: Sweat Shop Paris: Lessons from a Sewing Cafe (...

Step 1

Place your doily where you want (over the shoulder, on an elbow) and pin it flat to the cardigan. By hand, baste the doily to the cardigan.

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Step 2

Use a sewing machine to firmly stitch the doily in place.

Step 3

Cut away the cardigan behind the doily to emphasize the lace effect.

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Step 4

Remove the basting stitches by hand.