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String Printing

String Printing is a spontaneous and physical art process. Participants should be standing up if possible and, if the space allows, using full arm motions! Choose your colors ahead of time and cut the string into lengths as long as your forearm.

Materials: heavyweight drawing paper liquid acrylic paint paint cups cotton string scissors craft sticks

Excerpted from Art Lab for Kids by Susan Schwake (published by Quarry Books).

Source , Art Lab for Kids: 52 Creative Adventures in Dr...

Step 1

Dip your string into the paint.

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Step 2

Using a craft stick, immerse and coat the string with the paint.

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Step 3

Holding the string above your paper, let your arm drop and let the string go limp onto the paper.

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Step 4

Continue with this motion until you are ready to change colors.

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Step 5

Use one string per color to avoid mixing.

Step 6

Another method of printing is to drag the string across the paper.

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Step 7

Go Further- Fold the paper over the string and hold the paper with your hand while you pull out the string. Fill the paper fully with one method, let it dry, then use another method on top.

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Step 8

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