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Simple Paper Mobile

This paper mobile project has a lovely result without a great deal of effort. Use paper that is thick enough to be sturdy, but thin enough to fit in the paper punch. The paper shown here was made with phone book pages and wrapping paper. The pretty colors came from recycled tissue paper and party napkins that were crumpled and no longer fit for entertaining.


  • 1 1/2" flower-shaped paper punch
  • Eight circles of paper, at least 3" in diameter
  • 1/16"-hole paper punch
  • Scissors
  • Colored cotton string or topstitching thread
  • 12" stick

Source ,Trash-to-Treasure Papermaking: Make Your Own Recycled Pape...

Step 1

Punch out flower shapes in the center of each handmade paper circle.

Step 2

Lay out the circles and the flower shapes in three rows, alternating the shapes as shown in the project photo.

Step 3

Use the hole punch to make small holes in the top of each paper piece, for attaching the string.

Step 4

Cut 1 1/4 " pieces of string and run them through the holes one at a time. Tie off with knots.

Step 5

Position the stick horizontally at the top and tie on all three embellished strings. Since the papers are all about the same size and weight, the mobile should balance.

Step 6

Tie another string at the top, with a knot at each end, and long enough to make a loop for hanging.

Step 7

Mobile Imagination: Find an interesting rod or stick, and use simple shapes to make up your own design. Keep experimenting until you find the right balance.

Step 8

This simple paper mobile project is excerpted with permission from Trash-to-Treasure Papermaking by Arnold E. Grummer and published by Storey Publishing.

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