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Felt Apple & Worm Sewing Pattern

Every little boy and girl needs lots of fruits and vegetables to grow up healthy and strong, but green things aren’t always their dinnertime favorites. Change their minds with this collection of nutritious garden critters!


  • Felt in red, light red, green, chartreuse, and brown
  • Embroidery thread in coordinating colors
  • Embroidery needle
  • Iron-on adhesive
  • Red stretch glove
  • 1 pipe cleaner
  • Scissors
  • Permanent marker
  • Pins
  • Polyester fiberfill stuffing

Source ,Felt from the Heart: How to Hand-Stitch Cute and Cuddly Fe...

Step 1

Enlarge the pattern by 115% and cut out all the pattern pieces. From the felt, cut two red Apples, two chartreuse Worms, one green Leaf, one light red Heart, and one brown Stem. Using the pattern as a reference, cut a hole from one of the apple pieces. Heat set the heart. Cut one finger from the glove.

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Step 2

Pin the finger from the glove to the hole on the back side of the apple. Whip stitch around the finger, catching the edge of the hole in the apple. Push the finger through to the back side of the apple piece. The finger will now be inside out and the stitched edge will be hidden. Whip stitch around the edges of the heart.

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Step 3

Back stitch down the center of the leaf. Then, make a running base stitch 1/8" (5mm) from the edges, and pull the thread to lightly gather the leaf. Fold the stem in half, and whip stitch along the long edge. Pin the stem and leaf in place. Pin the edge of the glove finger to the apple bottom. Whip stitch around the edges of the two apple pieces, being sure to catch the glove finger in the stitches and leave an opening for stuffing. Stuff the apple and stitch the opening closed.

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Step 4

Stem stitch the worm’s mouth on the top worm piece, and use French knots for eyes. Pin the two worm pieces together, and blanket stitch around the edges, changing the stitch size as you go. Leave the worm’s head open. Fold a pipe cleaner in half and push it into the worm’s body. Add stuffing to the head, and stitch closed.

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Step 5

This sewing craft for kids is excerpted with permission from Felt from the Heart: How to Hand-Stitch Cute and Cuddly Felt Stuffies by Ana Araujo, published by Design Originals.

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