Posted by Katie King on
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Scrap Ribbon House Sign DIY

Don't throw out those old ribbon scraps! With a little fabric glue and a wooden cutout, you can turn those old ribbon scraps into a cute house sign for your wall.

To make this project you will need:

♥ A Wooden House Cutout ♥ Aleene's Quick Dry Fabric Fusion (or any other fabric glue) ♥ Ribbon ♥ Hemp Cord ♥ Scissors

Step 1

Lay out your ribbon in the order you want to glue them in. Once your happy with your design, glue each piece of ribbon down in its place.

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Step 2

When your ribbon is dry, cut off any pieces that are hanging over the edge.

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Step 3

Flip your house over and glue a piece of hemp cord to the back.

When the glue is dried, your all done!

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