Posted by Mark Montano on
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Recycled Magazine Snowflake Ornaments

Make beautiful, delicate snowflake ornaments with old magazines and Americana Multi Surface Satin paint in metallic gold and silver. A cheap and cheerful way to decorate your tree! Watch the quick video tutorial here:

Step 1

Wax paper Glitter White glue Magazine pages Americana Multi-Surface Satin in Gold and Silver Scissors Paintbrushes Pencil Thin ribbon

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Step 2

Cut magazine pages in half (side to side, not top to bottom) Roll one sheet around a pencil and add another sheet when you get to the end *This will make your tubes nice and thick Glue the end of the paper down Cut the tubes into 1/2" long pieces You'll need about 8 tubes to make one ornament Lay out wax paper

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Step 3

Squeeze some glue on the edge of your wax paper Dip the pieces in one by one and build your snowflake When dry, paint with the gold Americana Multi-Surface Satin Brush glue on the edges and sprinkle with glitter Add a ribbon through one of the ends and hang on your tree!

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