Designed by Emily Lang. Finished Size: 2x 4 1/4
(7cm x 11cm).
These little gift card pockets are a great way to try tiny
yourself. In an age where a lot of gift-giving is in 0's and 1's, we thought putting fabric around plastic was a very Quilty idea. These go together fast and are fun to do in a group, too.
3 (5x 7
[13cm x 18cm]) rectangles assorted gray prints
3 (4x 7
[10cm x 18cm]) rectangles assorted solids and prints
3 (5x 7
[13cm x 18cm]) rectangles woven fusible interfacing
Assorted fabric scraps for embellishing
1/4 yard (23cm) paper-backed fusible web
Measurements include 1/4" (6mm) seam allowances.
From (4x 7
[10cm x 18cm]) rectangles assorted solids and
prints, cut each:
- 2 (3 1/4
x 3 3/4
[8cm x 10cm]) B rectangles.
From 1/4 yard (23cm) paper-backed fusible web, cut:
- 6 (1/4
x 2
[6mm x 51mm]) rectangles. Fuse assorted fabric scraps to remainder. Plan, then cut a variety of circles, squares, and rectangles for embellishment of finished B rectangles.
Step 1
Fuse 1 (5x 7
[13cm x 18cm]) gray print rectangle to 1 (5x 7
[13cm x 18cm]) woven fusible interfacing rectangle to make 1 unit (Fuse Diagrams). Cut unit into 2 (3 1/4x 4 3/4
[10cm x 12cm]) A rectangles. Make 3 sets of 2, total.
Step 2
Join 1 set of fused A rectangles with right sides facing. Stitch around outer edges with 1/4(6mm) seam allowance, leaving 2
(5cm) opening for turning. Trim corners and press 1/4(6mm) seam flaps at opening toward unit. Apply 1 (1/4
x 2[6mm x 51mm]) strip
of paper-backed fusible web and press to a 1/4
(6mm) flap. Turn right side out through opening, then fuse opening by pressing unit flat. Make 3 Unit A.
Step 3
In same manner, join 2 matching B rectangles. Make 3 Unit B. Arrange prepared circles, squares, and rectangles to embellish B units. Press to fuse in place.
Step 4

This excerpt is featured with permission from Dear Quilty: 12 Easy Patchwork Quilts & Great Quilting Advice
by Mary Fons & Team Quilty (Fons & Porter/F+W; $22.99).