Everyone knows that a ripe, sweet peach comes only once a year, in the summer! It’s a beautiful juicy fruit that can be turned into jam, pie, agave syrup, cakes, salsa, and of course, ice pops! This is a pretty pop that everyone loves, and it tastes so sweet you cannot believe there is no refined sugar in it! Excerpted from <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1416206256/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=craftfocom-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399373&creativeASIN=1416206256">"Ice Pop Joy: Organic, Healthy, Fresh, Delicious"</a> by Luane Kohnke, published Sellers Publishing. Image by Luane Kohnke. MATERIALS: Makes 8 (4-ounce) pops 2 cups chopped peaches (4 medium peaches) 1 cup chopped pineapple ½ cup chopped mango juice of ½ lemon (1½ to 2 tablespoons juice) ¼ cup raw agave nectar 1 cup Greek yogurt
Combine peaches, pineapple, and mango in blender, and blend.
Add lemon juice, agave nectar, and yogurt, and puree until smooth.
Pour mixture into chosen pop molds and put sticks in place.
Freeze pops until solid.