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Patchwork Mobile Phone Pouch Pattern

Want to sew your own phone case? Look no further than this adorable design from France! Using patchwork fabric, customize your design with this free patchwork pattern.

Materials: 24.5 x 10.5 cm floral cotton, for the outside 24.5 x 10.5 cm light fusible wadding, and 1 rectangle, 19 x 5 cm 24.5 x 10.5 cm white cotton, for the lining 5 cm black Velcro 21 x 7 cm red-and-white polka-dot cotton, for the flap, and 88 x 4 cm, for the strap 20 cm x 5 mm-wide red cotton ribbon 15 cm x 5 mm-wide black cotton ribbon small piece of 10 mm-wide numbered selvedge

Step 1

Fuse a piece of light wadding to the wrong side of the floral fabric, then place the lining and the fused fabric together, right sides facing each other. Stitch all around, 1 cm from the edge, leaving a 5-cm opening along one of the short sides, then turn right side out and press. Sew one section of Velcro lengthways to the right side of the rectangle, 2 cm from the finished short edge.

Step 2

Center the remaining piece of light wadding on the wrong side of the polka-dot fabric and fuse in place. Sew the remaining section of Velcro lengthways to the right side of the fabric, 4.5 cm from the edge of one of the short sides. Fold the polka-dot fabric in half, bringing the two short edges together, so that the Velcro is on the inside. Stitch the sides, 1 cm from the edge, rounding the bottom corners. Turn this flap right side out and press.

Step 3

Make a tie from the long strip of polka-dot fabric. Place the assembled piece for the case in front of you, the white lining side up. Fold the tie in half and insert the two ends, one on top of the other, into the opening at the top. Insert the raw edge of the flap as well, Velcro facing you. Stitch, sewing through all the layers.

Step 4

Fold the cover in half across the middle, and topstitch the sides, 1 mm from the edge. Tie the black ribbon into a small bow and sew it to the outside of the flap, as well as a small piece of numbered selvedge, for decoration.

Step 5

This project is excerpted with permission from Everything Patchwork: 40 Classic Quilts, Bags and Accessories (Made in France) by Corinne Crasbercu and published by Murdoch Books.

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