If you want to make something look antique, cover it in really old book pages. Well, at least that’s what I discovered when making this table. This project uses a double-print process that you can easily do at a copy shop such as Staples. Once you learn how to do it you’ll be using this double print process for everything. This old book craft table is easy and fun to make with the right tools.
Materials & Tools:
-Simple table that needs some love (Mine was a LACK table from Ikea) -Images you like (I chose butterflies) -Book pages -Access to a laser copy machine (The ink from your home copier will run.) -Plaid Mod Podge -1" (25mm) paintbrush -Elmer’s Glue
Source Design Originals?ProductCode=DO5368Step 1

Water down the glue just a bit so that it’s easy to spread. Carefully adhere your pages to every square inch of your table. If you use full book pages, it will take much less time and give a terrific effect.
Step 2

Place several book pages on a color copy machine, making sure you fill up the entire page. Make 5 copies and take them to a regular Black and White copy machine. Load the copied book pages face down in the paper stack. Put your butterfly images (or the images you’re using) on the copy machine and copy them on top of the copied book pages. This is my secret double print technique.
Cut out these images and paste them on top of your book covered table.
Step 3

Cover the entire table with Mod Podge for a protected finish.
Step 4

This old book craft table was excerpted with permission from "Pulp Fiction: Perfect Paper Projects by Mark Montano and published Design Originals, a division of Fox Chapel Publishing.