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Knitted Nordic Mittens (Free Knitting Pattern)

These Norwegian-style mittens, excerpted from 60 More Quick Knits (Sterling) have cuffs of corrugated rib, a picot edging and a classic winter color combination. They're perfect to wear while sledding or throwing snowballs.

SIZE lnstructions are written for one size.

KNITTED MEASUREMENTS HAND CIRCUMFERENCE 7-1/2 inches /19cm LENGTH OF CUFF approximately 2-1/2 inches /6.5cm

Excerpted with permission from 60 More Quick Knits

MATERIALS -- 1 1-3/4oz/50g hank (each approx. 164yd/150m) of Cascade 220 Sport (Peruvian highland wool) each in #9404 ruby (MC), #8010 natural (A) and #8400 charcoal grey (B)

-- One set (5) each sizes 3 and 5 (3.25 and 3.75mm) double-pointed needles (dpns) or size to obtain gauge -- Stitch marker

Source , 60 More Quick Knits: 20 Hats*20 Scarves*20 Mit...

Step 1

NOTES 1) To work in the rnd, always read charts from right to left. 2) Centers of snowflakes are worked in duplicate stitch after knitting is completed.

MITTEN (make 2) CUFF With smaller dpns and MC, cast on 44 sts. Divide sts over 4 needles (11 sts on each). Join, taking care not to twist sts on needles, pm for beg of rnds. Cont in St st (knit every rnd) for 9 rnds. Change to B.

Knit next 2 rnds. Next (picot) rnd *Yo, k2tog; rep from * around. Next (inc) rnd Knit, inc 4 sts evenly spaced around-48 sts. Knit next rnd. Change to larger dpns.

Step 2

BEG CHART PAT I Beg chart on rnd 1 and work even through rnd 1 9.

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Step 3

THUMB GUSSET Rnd 20 Work first 24 sts of chart, with MC, M1, with A, k1, with MC, M1, work to end of rnd-5O,sts. Cont to foll chart in this way through rnd 40, working inc as shown-62 sts. Rnd 41 Work first 24 sts of chart, place 15 thumb sts on scrap yarn, with MC, cast on 1 st over thumb opening, work to end of rnd-48 sts. Cont to work to top of chart, dec top of mitten as shown- B sts. Cut MC leaving a 6" /15cm tail and thread through rem sts. Pull tog tightly and secure end. Cut A and weave in end.

Step 4

THUMB Place 15 sts on scrap yarn on 2 dpns (7 sts on first needle and B sts on 2nd needle). With 3rd needle and MC, pick up and k 1 st in cast-on st of thumb opening, then 2 sts along side edge of thumb opening, k 7 sts on first needle, B sts on 2nd needle, then with 4th needle, pick up and k 2 sts along side edge of thumb opening, pm for beg of rnds-20 sts. Divide sts evenly over 4 needles (5 sts on each).

Step 5

BEG CHART II Beg chart on rnd 1 and work to top of chart, working dec as shown-6 sts. Cut MC leaving a 6" /15cm tail and thread through rem sts. Pull tog tightly and secure end. Cut A and weave in end.

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Step 6

FINISHING Turn bottom edges to WS along picot rnd and hem in place. Use MC tail to sew gap between thumb and hand closed.

DUPLICATE STITCH EMBROIDERY Referring to chart pats, work one duplicate stitch in center of each snowflake using B. Block pieces to measurements.

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