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Imaginative DIY Bookshelf

While Kindles and digital books are becoming more and more popular these days, a lot of us still prefer the real deal, namely, hard copy books. A professor of mine once told us, “Get some books. Having a few interesting ones at home really goes a long way with the ladies, makes them think you're smart.” Maybe that's why I prefer to think of myself as a hard copy book guy. But the downside of having a ton of books is that storing them becomes an issue after a while. But don't worry, when space becomes a problem you can improvise and create a shelf you like. Here's how.

Note: before you get down to building your dream bookshelf, know that it's going to be messy, so brace yourself for a nice home cleaning session afterwards.

Melbourne is a city that inspires people to change, so when I went there I got really into recycling and living green. These next projects are all fantastic ways to re-purpose old stuff and give your fair share of saving the environment by using something you don't need instead of throwing it away.

Step 1

#1 An Old Ladder Bookshelf

If you happen to have an old wooden ladder lying around somewhere, why don't you turn it into a beautiful, vintage-looking bookshelf? It's incredibly simple, cheap and the result is just amazing. What you need is an old ladder (duuh …), and a few “L” shaped brackets. Just mount the brackets to your wall and attach the ladder to them.

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Step 2

#2 Skateboard Bookshelf

This is a wee-bit more complicated than the previous one. For this project you'll need 2 old boards, 2 “L” shaped brackets, 2 threaded rods, 8 metal nuts, 8 washers, 8 screws and a drill.

Begin by drilling two holes on each deck where the skateboard trucks were. Put a nut and then thread a washer on each of the rods about 10 centimetres from the tip. Put the rods into the drilled wholes and thread a washer and a nut on the opposite side. Before tightening the nuts make sure the rods are even. Do the same with the other board. After you've done with that, take the “L” brackets, attach them to the bottom of the top deck using the screws and then mount the whole set to the wall.

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Step 3

#3 Wooden Pallet Bookshelves

This type of DIY bookshelf project is also incredibly easy to make. You'll need a wooden pallet, a saw, 2 planks in the width of the pallet and some screws.

Simply saw the pallet where the black marks are, then screw one plank where the red marks are and the other on the opposite side of the pallet. Then attach the new shelves you've got to the wall. And that's it. All that's left to do now is to put your favourite books on your new pallet shelves.

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