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How to make Simple Round felt flowers? - DIY Gift Ideas

You can make a lot of design using felt and some simple materials available around you. In this tutorial, we are going to teach you to make very simple round felt flowers. After reading this tutorial you can easily make round felt flowers for your decoration.

Materials Required: Before starting to actually make you must make sure you have all the materials required for making this flower. Make sure you have all these materials with you:

  • Felt (Color for felt can be optional, you can use all same color or all different color)

  • Scissors

  • Embroidery Thread and needle (matching with the color of the felt)

  • Beads and other decoration items

  • Circular template (Size can be of your choice, ideally 3, 4 and 5 cm round)

  • Measurement tapes to make the accurate measurement of felt:

3 Steps to make round felt flowers:


Step 1

Preparing your template

Prepare your template with the felt of the same color or different colors depending on your necessity and design, using scissors and measuring tapes. Make sure you make the correct measurement of the felt to make your design look perfect. Cut a round circle with three different measurements. The ideal measurement of your circular template can be 3cm for the smallest one, 4 cm for the middle one and 5 cm for largest felt. Now keeping your smallest circle on top lay all three circles on top of each other. Make sure you have three different sized templates with the biggest being on the base and smallest on top. To get the sleek finish you shall always use the best quality felt.

Step 2

Sewing the templates together

Using simple stitch now slowly sew these three circular templates together. You can use a thread with matching color. Make sure they are stitched intact and cannot be dismantled easily. If you are using same colored felts it becomes simple to stitch them with same colored thread. You may consider using threads that match with the circular felt template if you have different felt. Using embroidery thread and needle gives you better sewing experience and finish than the normal thread and needle.

Step 3

Decorations and final touch

You can now decorate your flower with beads and other decorative materials to give it better and fancy looks. You can simply stitch the beads to the circular templates. To make your flowers look more beautiful and natural you can stitch leaves to them. For this, using green colored felt and cut them in the shape of leaves. Now stitch these leaves in your round flower to give them better look and classy finish. Your simple round felt flower is now ready.

These steps are the basic steps to create a beautiful round felt flowers. Read slowly and follow the steps to get a beautiful product.