Posted by Barbara Campbell Edmondson on
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Hobby or Vendor Apron

A pattern for beginners of all ages, this apron measures about 10-12tall, about 20 wide.

Supplies you need:

Sewing machine with needle, pins, scissors, and:

  1. WOVEN COTTON FABRIC - Two of the same or coordinating fat quarters. (Sometimes called quarter flats.) You can buy pre-cut fat quarters, (which means you don’t have to wait in line at the cutting table!), or cut your own. [Coordinating – big word meaning they go well together, they make a pleasing combination or match.] [Fat Quarters – ¼ of a yard of fabric, not cut in strips, but in blocks]

  2. THREAD - All purpose polyester or poly/cotton thread in a color that will look nice with fabric and ribbon. You may buy two different colors.

  3. RIBBON – About 2 yards of one-inch wide grosgrain ribbon in color coordinating fabrics, depending on your waist measurement.

Step 1


Read ALL of the instructions before starting to sew, so that you will have a better understanding of it all. Please respect the designer and do not copy or distribute this pattern. Direct them to www.getsewing.com.

Lay one fat quarter on top of the other, with pretty sides (outsides, sometimes called “right” side) facing each other, lining up all sides evenly. If they don’t line up evenly, cut where necessary; you want both to be the same size and be nice rectangles.

Step 2

Insert 4-5 pins on each side to hold the two layers together while sewing. Put them perpendicular to the edge of the fabric with the pin head hanging off the edge.

Mark a space on one of the short sides wide enough to pull it all right-side out. You can mark it by using two pins together at each end of the space to leave unsewn. You will remove each pin just before sewing over it.

Step 3

Sew around, pivoting at the corners, removing pins before you sew over them. Do not stitch to the edge; pivot leaving needle down in the fabric as you turn (pivot) so you don’t lose your place. Remember to not sew the space you marked in step 2.

Sew with ½ inch seam allowance. (Seam Allowance is how far your stitches are from the edge of the fabric.)

Step 4

Clip off corner seam allowances by cutting diagonally across the corner seam allowance. This takes out some of the bulk so it will lay nicely when turned right side out. Be careful to not cut the stitches!

Turn right side out (like you would turn your socks inside out.)

Step 5

Press firmly with a hot iron on an ironing board, to crease all edges where you sewed. Don’t have seam indented, pull the stitched edge out to iron a crease there. Also, fold the opening and press it as if it was sewn.

Now the apron should lie flat, looking somewhat like a pillowcase with no pillow in it.

Step 6

Take a long side and fold it up about a third of the way to form a pocket. 5 inches is good.

Stitch pocket to main part at sides, close to the edge. Pin layers together to hold in place while sewing. Then, stitch a couple more lines up to form more pockets. Make one pocket narrow enough to put in a pencil and ruler, leaving 1 or 2 large pockets.

Step 7

The edge opposite the pocket is the waist. Find the center of the waist edge and mark it with a pin or chalk. Find the center of your ribbon. Pin center of ribbon onto center of apron.

Place more pins to attach ribbon along all of the waist edge.

Step 8

Sew ribbon onto apron along both long sides of ribbon, close to the edges. The remaining ribbon that is loose will be used to tie the apron around your waist to wear it. You may sew on buttons, bows, lace, etc. for decoration. Wear your apron to keep your sewing tools handy while you are sewing; or when enjoying any hobby.

Step 9

Post your finished apron in the Projects section of CraftFoxes, and visit www.getsewing.com