Thread a plastic wire key chain with a rubber snake for a unique Halloween craft for kids.
- 2 pieces 36-inch plastic lace
- 1 piece 48-inch plastic lace
- 1 plastic or rubber snake
- 1 key ring
Step 1

Start a six-strand project. Use a key ring in place of a zipper pull. Make 11 tight stitches. After two loose stitches, work the head through the first loose stitch.
Step 2

Tighten the two stitches to hold the head firmly. Make five more tight stitches. Lace a stitch over the second curve of the snake. Fasten the second curve with tight stitches. Do ten stitches. Lace a stitch over the third curve of the snake, and continue. After another seven stitches, enclose the fourth curve near the tail. Continue for another nine stitches. After 3 1/2 to 4 inches, finish off.
Step 3

To finish a six-strand project, make a final straight stitch, and leave it loose. Run lace A around the next lace, under and up the center. Run lace B around the next lace, under and up the center. Do the same with the others until all six laces are in the center. Tighten, and trim.
Step 4

This Halloween craft is excerpted with permission from Halloween Plastic Lace Crafts: Easy-to-Make Monsters, Ghosts, and Creepy Crawlies
by David Hall, David Kominz and Phyllis Damon, published by Design Originals.