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Fingerless Gloves (Free Knitting Pattern)

These stripy gloves are warm and stylish while leaving your fingers free. The pattern is ideal for using up ends of 4-ply wool - a pair of finished gloves weigh approximately 2 oz. It would also be very easy to knit rainbow stripes from this pattern if you have a range of colors on hand. The gloves can be knitted shorter by reducing the number of rows between rows 33 and 47, or made longer by knitting extra rows before the decreasing starts.

Excerpted from Homemade by Ros Badger and Elspeth Thompson, published by Skyhorse Publishing.

Materials and Tools:

-2 oz of 4-ply wool in mixed colors (here we have used brown, aubergine, and moss) -size 3 knitting needles


Color A: brown (col A) Color B: aubergine (col B) Color C: moss (col C)


14 sts and 18 rows = 2 in


Finished length is approximately 10 1/4 in

Source , Homemade: 101 Beautiful and Useful Craft Proje...

Step 1

To make the right glove: With US size 3 needles and col B, cast on 59 sts. Change to col A and work 6 rows in k1, p1 rib. Dec first at end of row 6. (58 sts) (NB: For decreasing, knit together the third and fourth sts from the edge. This produces a fashioning mark on the gloves, which gives them a more stylish finish.)

Row 1 (RS): Knit Row 2: Purl Row 3: Using col B, knit Row 4: Purl Row 5: Using col C, knit Row 6: Purl These 6 rows form the pattern. Cont in pattern for stripes, dec first at each end of the following row and then on row 15, 21, 27 and 33, until 48 sts remain. Cont until the beginning of row 47, then work thumb gusset as follows, keeping stripes correct.

Step 2

Row 1 (RS): K24, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k20. (50 sts) Work 3 rows Row 5: K24, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k20 (52 sts) Work 3 rows Row 9: K24,inc in next st, K6, inc in next st, K20 (54 sts) Work 3 rows Row 13: K24, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k20 (56 sts) Work 3 rows Row 17: K24, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k20 (58 sts) Work 1 row Row 19: k38, turn and cast on first Row 20*: p14, turn and cast on first (15 sts) Work 6 rows on these 15 sts, keeping stripes correct. Change to col A and work 2 rows in k1, p1 rib Cast off with col B Join the thumb seam With right sides facing, rejoin yarn, pick up 4 sts from the thumb base (2 either side of seam) and cont to end of row Work 16 rows more Change to col A and work 4 rows in k1, p1 rib. Change to col B and cast off.

Step 3

To make the left glove: Work as right to the beginning of thumb gusset shaping. Then work as follows:

Row 1 (RS): K19, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k25 (50 sts) Work 3 rows. Row 5: K19, inc in enxt st, k4, inc in next st, k25 (52 sts) Work 3 rows Row 9: K19, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k25 (54 sts) Work 3 rows Row 13: K19, inc in next st, k8, inc next, k25 (56 sts) Work 3 rows Row 17: K19, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k25 (58 sts) Work 1 row Row 19: K33, turn and cast on first, cont as for right glove from *

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Step 4

Sew the side seam with mattress stitch, catching in ends where you can. Then sew in any remaining ends and press lightly with your iron on the wool setting.

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