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Classic Zombie Doll Knitting Pattern

With his dangling eye and gaping mouth, this apparition is every inch the classic zombie. Dressed in dowdy, tattered clothes and with the last word in bad hair days, this poor guy has wounds all over the place, and his guts are spilling out of his middle in vile woolly festoons. However, don’t worry too much—they tuck neatly into their own specially made pouch should you prefer it that way.

Step 1

You will need:

  • 1 skein beige DK yarn; 225 yd (206 m) per 3.5 oz (100 g)
  • Small amounts of dark red, cream, and dark gray DK yarns
  • 1 skein bright red DK yarn; 225 yd (206 m) per 3.5 oz (100 g)
  • Very small amounts of purple and black DK yarns
  • Small amount of yellow mohair or mohair/silk yarn
  • 1 skein rust 4-ply yarn; 494 yd (452 m) per 3.5 oz (100 g)
  • 1 skein variegated gray 4-ply yarn; 494 yd (452 m) per 3.5 oz (100 g)
  • 1 oz/30 g polyester toy filling
  • Cream sewing thread
  • Twelve medium dark green bugle beads
  • Three small white bugle beads
  • A glass bead for the eye
  • A piece of Velcro tape in white, measuring 1 x 3/8 in (2.5 x 1 cm)
  • A piece of Velcro tape in white, measuring 2 x 3/4 in (5 x 2 cm)
  • Two 1/2-in (13-mm) snap fasteners
  • A pair of U.S. 2/3 (3 mm) knitting needles
  • A yarn needle to sew your items together
  • An embroidery needle
  • An ordinary sewing needle
  • A gray crayon

Head and Upper Body

Head Make 2 pieces • Cast on 10 sts in beige. • Work 6 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: [K1, M1] twice, K6, [M1, K1] twice. (14 sts) • Next row: P. • Next row: K2, M1, K to last 2 sts, M1, K2. (16 sts) • Next row: P. • Rep last 2 rows 1 more time. (18 sts) • Work 12 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: K2, [k2tog] twice, K6, [ssk] twice, K2. (14 sts) • Next row: P2tog, P10, p2tog. (12 sts) • Bind off.

Upper body The upper body is knitted from the top to the bottom.

Front Make 1 • Cast on 14 sts in beige. • Work 6 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: Cast on 4 sts, K to end. (18 sts) • Next row: Cast on 4 sts, P to end. (22 sts) • Work 10 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: K8, P3, then turn and work on only these 11 sts, leaving rem 11 sts on needle. • Next row: K3, P8. • Next row: K8, P3. • Rep last 2 rows 4 more times. • Break yarn and join it to rem 11 sts on RS of work. • Next row: P3, K8. • Next row: P8, K3. • Rep last 2 rows 4 more times. • Next row: P3, K8. • Now work across all 22 sts. • Work 2 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Next row: P4, K14, P4. • Next row: Bind off 4 sts, K to last 4 sts, bind off 4 sts. (14 sts) • Break yarn and rejoin it to WS of work. • Work 5 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Bind off.

Back Make 1 • Cast on 14 sts in beige. • Work 24 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Bind off.

Gut pocket Make 1 • Cast on 8 sts in beige. • 1st row: Inc1, K to last 2 sts, inc1, K1. (10 sts) • Next row: P. • Rep last 2 rows 1 more time. (12 sts) • Work 10 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: K1, k2tog, K to last 3 sts, ssk, K1. (10 sts) • Next row: P. • Rep last 2 rows 1 more time. (8 sts) • Bind off.

Guts Stomach Make 1 • Cast on 5 sts in dark red. • 1st row: Inc1, K2, inc1, K1. (7 sts) • Next row: P. • Next row: K1, M1, K to last st, M1, K1. (9 sts) • Next row: P. • Rep last 2 rows 1 more time. (11 sts) • Work 4 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: K1, k2tog, K to last 3 sts, ssk, K1. (9 sts) • Next row: P. • Rep last 2 rows 1 more time. (7 sts) • Next row: K1, k2tog, K1, ssk, K1. (5 sts) • Bind off kwise.

Intestines Make 1 • Cast on 40 sts in dark red. • 1st row: K. • Bind off.

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Step 2

Lower body

Front Make 1 • Cast on 14 sts in beige. • Work 6 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: Cast on 4 sts, K to end. (18 sts) • Next row: Cast on 4 sts, P to end. (22 sts) • Work 7 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: P4, K14, P4. • Next row: Bind off 4 sts, K to last 4 sts, bind off 4 sts. (14 sts) • Break yarn and rejoin it to WS of work. • Work 5 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Bind off.

Back Make 1 • Cast on 14 sts in beige. • Work 8 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Bind off.

First leg Make 1 • Cast on 30 sts in beige. • Work 6 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: K6, bind off 18 sts, K to end. (12 sts) * • Work 23 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Bind off.

Second leg Outer leg Make 1 • Work as for first leg until *. • Work 5 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Next row: K5, P2, then turn and work on only these 7 sts, leaving rem 5 sts on needle. • Next row: K2, P5. • Next row: K5, P2. • Rep last 2 rows 5 more times. • Break yarn and rejoin it to rem 5 sts on RS of work. • Next row: P2, K3. • Next row: P3, K2. • Next row: P2, K3. • Rep last 2 rows 5 more times. • Now work across all 12 sts. • Work 5 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Bind off.

Inner leg Make 1 • Cast on 26 sts in bright red. • Work 4 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: K5, bind off 16 sts, K to end. (10 sts) • Work 21 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Bind off.

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Step 3

Arms and Assembly

First arm Make 1 • Cast on 4 sts in beige. • Work 4 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: Cast on 3 sts, K to end. (7 sts) • Next row: Cast on 3 sts, P to end. (10 sts) * • Work 30 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: K1, k2tog, K4, ssk, K1. (8 sts) • Next row: P2tog, P4, p2tog. (6 sts) • Break yarn, thread it through rem sts, and secure.

Second arm Outer arm Make 1 • Work as for first arm until *. • Work 20 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Break yarn and thread it through rem sts, but do not pull up tightly or secure.

Inner arm Make 1 • Cast on 8 sts in bright red. • Work 28 rows in st st, beg with a K row. Next row: K1, k2tog, K2, ssk, K1. (6 sts) • Next row: P2tog, P2, p2tog. (4 sts) • Break yarn, thread it through rem sts, and secure.

Making up and decorating To make the split on the elbow of the second arm, embroider a ring of small, tight chain stitches in beige and snip the threads within the circle to create a hole.

Sew the head, body, arms, and legs together. Remember to leave the second leg and the second arm (the pieces with “splits”) unstuffed.

Fold the gut pocket in half widthwise, with right sides facing inward, and whipstitch the sides together. Whipstitch the top edges of the pocket just below the outer edges of the gap on the upper body, so that the seams of the pocket are at the top and bottom of the gap and the right side of the knitting is on the inside of the pocket.

Fold the stomach piece in half, with the right side on the outside, to form a semicircle. Whipstitch the curved seam, stuffing the piece lightly as you work.

Whipstitch the long seam of the intestine piece and attach it to one corner of the stomach.

Sew the inner leg in the same way as the other leg pieces and stuff lightly. Insert the inner leg into the main unstuffed leg. Secure the split on the outer leg to the inner leg. Work a row of chain stitch on the inner part of the leg in purple. Make a few straight stitches in beige over the edge.

Sew the inner arm piece together in a similar way to the other arm pieces and stuff lightly. Insert the inner arm into the main unstuffed arm. Carefully pull out the yarn threaded through the final row of stitches and whipstitch the edge to the inner arm.

Finish the top of the arm as for the first arm. Complete the top of the arm. Using cream yarn, embroider the ribs in chain stitch, using the photograph as a guide.

Sew the green bugle beads to the hands and feet to represent the nails.

Using dark gray yarn, embroider a ring of chain stitch for the eye socket. Using the same yarn, embroider the nose in satin stitch, working a straight stitch down the sides to tidy up the edges. Using black yarn, embroider the mouth in satin stitch, using vertical stitches.

Work around the mouth in chain stitch. Using a separated strand of bright red yarn, embroider the blood trickling from the mouth in chain stitch. Sew three small white bugle beads onto the mouth to represent the teeth.

Using dark red yarn, sew the eye bead to the head, using a single, long straight stitch.

Shade in the eye socket, using the gray crayon.

For the hair, cut 16 lengths, each 8 inches (20 cm) long, of yellow mohair yarn and divide them into two bunches of eight lengths. Sew the center of the bunches to each side of the head.

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Step 4

Jacket Left side Make 1 • Cast on 14 sts in rust 4-ply. • 1st row: K. • Next row: K3, P11. • Rep last 2 rows 10 more times. • Next row: K2, M1, K to end. (15 sts) • Next row: K3, P to end. • Next row: K. • Next row: K3, P to end. • Rep last 4 rows 1 more time. (16 sts) • Next row: K6, P5, K5. • Next row: K3, P2, K5, P6. • Next row: K6, P1, K3, P1, K5. • Next row: K3, P2, K1, P3, K1, P6. • Rep last 2 rows 1 more time. • Next row: K. • Next row: K3, P13. • Rep last 2 rows 3 more times. • K 5 rows. • Bind off.

Right side Make 1 • Cast on 14 sts in rust 4-ply. • 1st row: K. • Next row: P11, K3. • Rep last 2 rows 10 more times. • Next row: K to last 2 sts, M1, K2. (15 sts) • Next row: P to last 3 sts, K3. • Next row: K. • Next row: P to last 3 sts, K3. Rep last 4 rows 1 more time. (16 sts) • Next row: K5, P5, K6. • Next row: P6, K5, P2, K3. • Next row: K5, P1, K3, P1, K6. • Next row: P6, K1, P3, K1, P2, K3. • Rep last 2 rows 1 more time. • Next row: K. • Next row: P13, K3. • Rep last 2 rows 3 more times. • K 5 rows. • Bind off.

Back Make 1 • Cast on 22 sts in rust 4-ply yarn. • Work 22 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: K2, M1, K to last 2 sts, M1, K2. (24 sts) • Work 3 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Rep last 4 rows 1 more time. (26 sts) • Work 14 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • K 5 rows. • Bind off.

Left sleeve Make 1 • Cast on 14 sts in rust 4-ply yarn. • Work 24 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Bind off.

Right sleeve Make 1 • Cast on 14 sts in rust 4-ply yarn. • Work 31 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Bind off.

Making up

Sew the long seams of the sleeves, using mattress stitch. With the two side and back pieces right sides outward, whipstitch 5/8 inch (15 mm) along each side of the top edges to form the shoulder seams. Sew the sides using running stitch, leaving the top 11/4 inches (3 cm) open to form the armholes.

Insert the sleeves into the armholes of the main piece and whipstitch around the armholes from the inside. For the holes, work a flattened circle of chain stitch in rust 4-ply yarn where you want the holes to be, then cut your knitting on the inside of the shape.

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Step 5

Pants Make 1 • Cast on 20 sts in variegated gray 4-ply yarn for first leg. • Work 16 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Break yarn and leave sts on needle. • Cast on 20 sts for second leg. • Work 16 rows in st st, beg with a K row. • Next row: K 20 sts from second leg, then 20 sts from first leg. (40 sts) • Work 17 rows in st st, beg with a P row. • Next row: [K2, P2] to end. • Rep last row 3 more times. • Bind off, keeping to the K2, P2 pattern.

Making up Using mattress stitch, sew the back seam of the pants so that the lowest part of the seam is level with the crotch. Then sew the two inside leg seams, again using mattress stitch. Using matching yarn, work a border of chain stitch about 3/8 inch (1 cm) up from the lower edge of one leg. Trim off the knitting below this to form a frayed edging. Work the holes in the same way as described for the jacket, left.

Step 6


You Will Need:

  • Small amount of dark brown DK yarn
  • Very small amounts of black and white DK yarns
  • Cream sewing thread
  • A pair of U.S. 2/3 (3 mm) knitting needles
  • A size U.S. D-3 (3.25 mm) or similar size crochet hook
  • A yarn needle to sew your items together
  • An embroidery needle

Body and head First side Make 1 • Cast on 18 sts in dark brown. • 1st row: K to last 3 sts, ssk, K1. (17 sts) • Next row: P2tog, P to end. (16 sts) • Next row: K1, k2tog, K to last 3 sts, ssk, K1. (14 sts) • Next row: P2tog, P to end. (13 sts) • Rep last 4 rows 1 more time. (8 sts) • Bind off.

Second side Make 1 • Cast on 18 sts in dark brown. • 1st row: K1, k2tog, K to end. (17 sts) • Next row: P to last 2 sts, p2tog. (16 sts) • Next row: K1, k2tog, K to last 3 sts, ssk, K1. (14 sts) • Next row: P to last 2 sts, p2tog. (13 sts) • Rep last 4 rows 1 more time. (8 sts) • Bind off.

Ears Make 1 • Using the crochet hook, make a 4-chain crochet chain in dark brown.

Tail Make 1 • Using the crochet hook, make a 23/4-inch-long (7-cm) crochet chain in dark brown.

Making up Place the two body and head pieces right sides together and whipstitch the edges, leaving a gap at the lower edge for turning and stuffing. Turn the rat the right way out, stuff, and close the gap. With black yarn, embroider two French knots for the eyes. Using a separated strand of white yarn, work a ring of chain stitch around each French knot. Using black yarn, work a French knot for the nose. Add the whiskers, using cream thread. Form the ear chains into small loops and fasten to the head, using the yarn “tails.” Thread one yarn tail up through the tail and use the yarn tails to sew the rat’s tail to the end of the body.

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Step 7

This zombie doll knitting pattern is excerpted with permission from Knit Your Own Zombie: Over 1,000 Combinations to Rip 'n' Reassemble for Horrifying Results by Fiona Goble and published by Adams Media.

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