Posted by Sarah @ Miss Candiquik on
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Chocolate Mummy Pretzels

These mummy pretzels are fun for kids and adults alike. They are super easy to make and a great sweet and salty snack to munch on. They are perfect for any Halloween party!

You will need:

  • Pretzel Rods
  • 1 package Vanilla CandiQuik Coating
  • Cake writing icing or chocolate coating plus a piping bag or plastic ziploc bag

source: CandiQuik blog

Step 1

Melt CandiQuik according to package directions.

Step 2

Pour coating into a piping bag (or a plastic ziploc bag).

Step 3

Snip one corner off of the plastic bag. You want the hole to be somewhat large to get a thicker flow of coating. But not too large where you cannot control the flow.

Step 4

Drizzle the coating over the top 3/4 of each pretzel rod, leaving a small empty space for the eyes.

Step 5

Using cake writing icing or chocolate candy coating for the eyes.