Win a $50 Yarn Prize Pack and Celebrate a New Category for The Craftys: Baby Crafts

Posted by on Nov 07, 2016

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win a red heart yarn prize pack

People craft for numerous reasons, but one of the biggest inspirations to make something is welcoming a new addition to the family. To celebrate those amazing things designed for small packages, The Craftys Awards and Red Heart Yarns are teaming up to launch a new category: Baby Crafts.

We expect to see some impressive projects when The Craftys open nominations on November 14, 2016, from platform booties to locomotive cribs. While many new items for babies are knitted and crocheted, we also know that new parents and grandparents build amazing nursery furniture, design spectacular home decor and sew beautiful outfits. Plus there are all the crafts made by sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.

To get needle crafters inspired, Red Heart Yarns is giving away a $50 prize pack (which is a lot of material).
Here's what's included:

-- 1 ball Irresistible 
-- 1 ball Gleam 
-- 1 ball Fashion Soft
-- 1 ball Strata 
-- 1 ball Scrubby Sparkle 
-- 1 ball Sweet 
-- 1 ball Chunky Soft 
-- 1 ball Unforgettable Waves

To enter, log into the Rafflecopter widget below, and do one or more of five possible actions:

-- Tweet a message about the contest (as suggested in the widget)

Each action counts as a separate entry. You can tweet a message about the giveaway once a day.

You have until November 21, 2016, to enter.

Once again, you have until November 21, 2016 to enter.

