Win $100 Gift Card from Isaac Mizrahi from The Craftys and CraftFoxes!

Posted by on Jun 03, 2015

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win isaac mizrahi gift card

You may not realize it, but designer Isaac Mizrahi is one very crafty guy. If you watch the documentary "Unzipped" (now celebrating its 20th anniversary), you'll learn he followed in his mother's stiletto steps and learned how to sew and customize outfits at an early age. These days he even has an Isaac Mizrahi line of yarns.

For those designers and lovers of great design, CraftFoxes and TheCraftys are teaming up with to give away a $100 gift card so you can get that dress or hand bag that will inspire you to be a great designer.

We're using the Rafflecopter widget below to track entries. To enter to win a $100 gift card, you can log into the widget and:
-- Follow TheCraftys on Twitter
-- Follow CraftFoxes on Twitter
-- Visit TheCraftys on Facebook
-- Leave a comment on this post about what you would buy at
-- Share a message on Twitter about entering to win!

You have until June 18, 2015, to enter.

Follow the instructions above to enter to win an Isaac Mizrahi $100 gift card!

