What's the Weirdest Thing You Can Crochet — Bacon? Garbage Bags?

Posted by on Mar 27, 2012

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Fruit bags crocheted into flowers

crocheted plastic bag
Plastic bags crocheted into a necklace
The greatest characteristic about crochet? You can crochet with anything you can wrap around your hook. Rag strips made of T-shirts and jeansplastic bags stripped into “plarn” (see Moira Durano-Abesmo's necklace on the left); wire and tubing can all be turned into art or crafty objects. 

Then there's food. Yes, you can crochet with your food. From licorice ropes and cooked spaghetti, intrepid crochet lovers have made projects that amuse and inspire other crocheters to take it one step further in the quest to find unusual “fibers.”
Laurie Wheeler Crochets bacon
Crocheted bacon
Inspired by crocheted bacon strips made from yarn, I wondered what would happen if you crocheted strips of bacon and fried them to a golden finish. 

Since the project involved crocheting raw meat some safety precautions were necessary: Clean hands covered with disposable gloves and a well-washed bamboo hook were required to prevent contamination of the crocheter and the meat. I documented the process on the Crochet Liberation Front blog for others to try, just in case they had the urge to crochet something really weird. There is a method in the madness of crocheting with alternative fibers; it proves you can crochet with anything if you put your mind to it. There is no fiber, yarn, or project that cannot be made with a hook and a determined crochet enthusiast.

From CraftFoxes: Other unique suggestions for materials that can be crocheted include paper, VHS and cassette tapes, butcher's twine and shoelaces. Have you tried crocheting or knitting with these or other materials? Tell us about it as a comment below, and share it with us in the Projects section.
Laurie A. Wheeler is a lifelong crochet enthusiast as well as an author, blogger, marketing and personal growth instructor. She is founder of the membership service CLF 3.0 and the crochet social network Hookey and is dedicated to helping creative people fulfill their visions both on and offline.

