Unique Sock Craft Ideas with Brenna Maloney
Posted by Jun 18, 2013
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Sock crafts are a long-treasured hobby, but what is the secret to making beautiful sock monkeys? Author of several sock craft how-to books like "Socks Appeal: 16 Fun & Funky Friends Sewn from Sock," Brenna Maloney shares her insider knowledge for how to make unique sock crafts, from the super simple to a striped snack to something a little more complex like the plushie pig. Read on for Brenna's tips on getting started making sock crafts with kids, how to embellish a face and more.
I have three sock books out now ("Socks Appeal", "Sockology" and "Sock It To Me"). With each book, I have my favorites. Probably my all-time favorite pattern of the nearly 50 patterns I've created is the rabbit. My mother made one like this for me when I was a kid. I still have it. I based my own pattern off of it. It's a simple pattern, and I just think they are cute. Some other favorite sock crafts, from "Socks Appeal," I like the bunny, lion and squirrel. From "Sockology" the duck, monkey, raccoon and frog. And from "Sock It," I like the clown, chameleon, armadillo and gremlin.
I love making things from socks because socks are easy to work with, readily available, relatively inexpensive and you can find such interesting ones. They inspire you to try stuff.
Can young kids (around 6 years old) make sock crafts? What are some tips to sewing sock crafts with kids?
Yes, young kids can make these projects. The easiest patterns are in "Socks Appeal." Try the snake or fish to start.
A lot of my faces are very, very simple. A pair of buttons and a small amount of DMC floss is really all you need. You can create wonderful expressions by placing one eye (button) higher than the other, too close together or too far apart. A simple line of DMC floss, slanted in the right direction, can make a great mouth.
What are some common mistakes with sock crafts? Any ways to overcome?
There really aren't too many ways you can screw up these patterns. If you are new to sewing, start with the simpler patterns in "Socks Appeal" until you get some confidence, and then work your way up to more challenging ones. I get a lot of e-mails and letters from 10-year-olds who have made every pattern in a book. Kids are brilliant. They don't get intimidated or scared; they just dive in.
Brenna Maloney is the author of "Socks Appeal: 6 Fun & Funky Friends Sewn from Socks," published by C&T Publishing.
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