Trending Craft — Yarn Shaming

Posted by on Mar 08, 2013

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Yarn can be a source of inspiration and joy, and sometimes it can really put the worst in worsted. Franklin Habit of The Panopticon and author of  "It Itches: A Stash of Knitting Cartoons" has launched a yarn-shaming Tumblr, collecting captioned photos which shame the thick thread. The short series is both funny and painful for those that have had similar experiences, such as yarn looking an entirely different color in the store than at home or, when knit up, appearing as elegant as a used washcloth. We at CraftFoxes would love to see a dog and yarn-shaming photo combining both yarn, pets and the desctructive love affair that we all know exists between them.
Check out more unique yarn-shaming photos from Franklin Habit.

