Tips to Take Great Pictures for Your Instagram Account (VIDEO)

Posted by on Jul 28, 2018

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taking great instagram photos tips

You’ve probably looked at Instagram feeds filled with images of a luscious cake or intricately positioned dress and thought: Someone took this on their cell phone? These days, almost all of us have a pretty good camera in our pockets. But there are tricks to taking great photos with pretty good cameras.

Sometimes you have to be more thoughtful when you take the photo. Other times an excellent image can be found through cropping and a touch up. Here are videos that offer strategies and tips for how to up your photo Instagram game.

If you’re interested in upping your Instagram account numbers, consider Instagrowing.

Smooth Backgrounds

Many photos of objects on Instagram are done with a “Flat lay” set-up with the camera positioned overhead. One of the most importance choices can be finding a good background. Professional photographers spending thousands of dollars for a seamless backdrop that can make the models who stand it front if pop. For simple objects, Drew Scott explains that even a flat white or black table can do wonders to highlight the objects placed on top.

Cute Props

Are you just going to have one object in the photo or several? You may want to start curating a prop shelf to add a bit of character and texture into what might otherwise be a humdrum composition. Caitlin Shoemaker demonstrates how she adds objects like glasses and mason jars with complementary shapes and colors to make a photo of snacks a little homier.

Bright Lighting

You may think you’ll need to spend hundreds of dollars on a professional lighting rig. While that can help, plenty of Instagrammers get away with using natural lighting and a few smart tips. Utilize the best light source in your house, which is often next to a large window. As Miranda Gardley explains, morning light is often the best of the day and cloudy days can be great because there won’t be many shadows in the pictures.

S Curves and Straight Lines

If you’ve ever wondered how a stylist decides to place objects in the frame, take into a account straight lines and S curves. Straight lines are often considered masculine and S curves tend to be more feminine. If you’re having a hard time visualizing an S layout, the team at Mango Street explains that you can just draw one on a paper and follow it for the layout.

Try a Trend

Chances are you’ve probably seen some of the trends Shelby Church demonstrates in her video about Instagram photos. Not all of these ideas will make sense for craft or DIY pics, but they’re definitely fun and may inspire you to try new things. Firefly lights, for example, can a simple glamor to portraits or still shots.

