6 Tips for Growing Plants Indoors

Posted by on Jan 25, 2022

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tips for indoor plants

We’ve all been inside a lot more the past few years. As a result, many of us have brought the outside indoors. Houseplant demand has increased by 18 percent during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the research done by Garden Pals. There are plenty of great reasons to keep foliage nearby. Plants remove 87 percent of airborne toxins within 24 hours. Having them around reduces stress and increases productivity. Who knew?

Of course, individual plants varietals have different requirements for light and water. If you choose wisely and are honest about the level of care you can give, you should be able to cultivate a thriving garden.

Decide on the Location 

The area where you want to hang or place a plant can help decide which type of greenery to consider. Variables like the amount of direct sunlight and humidity can help focus the search for the plants that will thrive in the location. If the leaves on your foliage turn out pale, that may mean they aren’t getting enough light. If they’re scorched, they may be getting too much. 

Plants like Calathea, Maidenhair fern, Boston Ferns, Bird’s Nest Fern are all popular for a reason — they can thrive indoors in your home, apartment or office. Moth Orchids and Peace Lilies keep their flowers for months. For those who have a brown thumb and forget to water their plants, cacti and succulents can work well. You may want to even use these in a terrarium.

Get the Light Right 
Different plants require different amounts of light. Some require direct sunlight, while others are quite happy chilling in the corner of a room with only a small amount of indirect light. If you want a plant that needs a lot of light but you are unable to provide this, consider a grow light. The specialists over at growlightinfo.com/full-spectrum-led-grow-lights write, “LED fixtures provide this ideal light and do so at a reasonable cost.” With the right LED light, a plant can thrive without needing windows or direct sunlight.

Quality Soil 
Plants require different types of soil: Some need acidic soils, some neutral. Research the types of plants you have to find out which will work best. 

Repot When Necessary 
If your plant gets too big for its home and is showing yellow and brown leaves, you probably need to find it a larger one. Trim off the dead or dying leaves, give it a new, roomier pot (probably just one size bigger) and it will likely feel and look better soon. Be sure to add more potting soil to fill out the extra space. 

Water Wisely 
Indoor plants need more water than outdoor ones since the pots don’t hold as much water as the natural ground. Of course you can stick your finger in the pot to check for moisture. The Vera plant care app helps remind you when you need to water your plant. For owners who live in four season territory, plants require much less water in winter when your home is usually colder. In the summer, plants require more moisture. 

A general rule of thumb: Water plants when the top layer of soil has started to go dry. This way the roots are constantly a little moist. However, not all plants require this, so be sure to research your green friend. Some more tropical plants like humidity. To emulate this you can mist the leaves with a simple spray bottle filled with water or place rocks in the pot underneath the soil. 

Control Pests 
Outdoor plants and crops frequently struggle with pests. They can attack indoor plants, too. If you spot tiny flies, white marks on your leaves, or any unusual-looking plant matter, it’s time to check for pests and either use a pesticide or natural deterrent to remove the infiltrator.

Growing In a Tent 

Of course there’s more you can grow indoors than potted flowers. Oklahoma gardening demonstrates how you can place rows of vegetables and herbs in buckets on shelves in a grow tent. While the focus of the video is creating an educational project for students, most of the tips can be used for anyone who wants to grow food or plants indoors. 

These ideas can help you grow a nursery of plants at home, whether you like hanging plants running down your walls or small potted window plants. Care for them properly and they will live a long time.

