The First Look at Lisa Loeb's Hand-Drawn New Video 'The Sky Is Always Blue'
Posted by Jul 19, 2017
If the big facts you know Lisa Loeb are her humongous hit "Stay" from the movie "Reality Bites" and her world-renowned glasses, quite a bit has changed in recent years. Lisa's recent albums, like the new one, "Feel What U Feel," have focused on "all ages" music. These "all ages" tunes are folkier and probably catchier than the ones you remember from "all ages" punk rock shows, plus you can enjoy them with your kids.
The video for her new single "The Sky Is Always Blue," created by Sun House Films, takes place in a hand drawn world where a bunny, fish and bird are the audience for a tune about looking beyond life's struggles.
Lisa and her collaborators came up with the song when they "started thinking about how there is a blue sky behind the clouds and how that’s a metaphor for life: It’s important to see beyond and get past those clouds!"
"We decided to write about three cute animals who are just starting out, and the video plays on a traditional, pastel-hued story. The handmade quality of the video puppet show is meant to inspire kids and families to make things themselves and tell stories. You can do it with materials you have at home!"
Here's the world premiere for Lisa Loeb's new video "The Sky Is Always Blue."
The concept for "The Is Always Blue" was created by Lisa Loeb, Storme Whitby-Grubb, and Jay Wasley. The illustrations were drawn by Nashville-based illustrator/musician Benjamin Jason Douglas. The puppets were created and brought to life in Sun House Films Studio by puppeteers Charles Hager, Storme Whitby-Grubb, and Benjamin Jason Douglas.
The full credits are below:
Executive Producer: Lisa Loeb
Producer: Jay Wasley
Director/Writer: Storme Whitby-Grubb
Director of Photography: Jay Wasley
Illustrator: Benjamin Jason Douglas
Puppeteers: Charles Hager, Benjamin Jason Douglas, Storme Whitby-Grubb
Editor: Jay Wasley