The Avengers — Five Crafts to Try
Posted by May 04, 2012
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If you are excited for the release of "The Avengers" movie this weekend, here are some food recipe crafts, avengers DIY costumes, and other geeky wearables to get you ready for the action.
Crocheted Captain America Hat
Disguise yourself as Captain America in a handmade, crocheted beanie hat. When they ask, just tell them that crafting is your superpower.
The crochet hat pattern is available for purchase from Lizzziie on Etsy.
There is no Avengers movie without The Incredible Hulk, whose mega-sized hands are a symbol of super strength. Some of other cardboard movie props and costume ideas include a Captain America shield and Thor's hammer.
Get the video tutorial showing how to make homemade Hulk fists from cardboard at The Homemade Game Guru.
Avengers Cake Pops
More photos and cake pops tips can be found at Little Lion Baked Goods.
Use freezer paper stencils and fabric paint to create a one-of-a-kind T-shirt fit for a superhero. With free graphics to download and photos of each step, you can make this "subtle superhero shirt" for a casual Avengers fan.
Get the free tutorial at I Am Momma Hear Me Roar.
Printable Thor Helmet
Kids can celebrate the release of "The Avengers" movie with superhero coloring pages, playsets and costumes like this adorably fierce Thor helmet, a Captain America mask and other free printables.
Download the free projects at Disney Family.
Photo credits, from top: Little Lion Baked Goods,,, Little Lion Baked Goods, I Am Momma Hear Me Roar, Disney/ABC
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