Thanksgiving Craft for Kids: Draw a Pilgrim Hat

Posted by on Nov 27, 2013

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Draw a Pilgrim Hat

If you're prepping Thanksgiving dinner with kids in tow, you know that the anticipation is sometimes too much. We've got a fun activity to keep kids entertained on the day of the festivities.

Follow this free tutorial and you'll learn how to draw pilgrim hats to decorate the table. You can use construction paper, scissors, glue and feathers to jazz them up. Use your imagination! Just remember to take off your hat before you eat.

1. Draw a large circle. Then draw a smaller circle inside the first. Draw an even smaller circle way above the first two.
2. Draw a line from the left edge of the small circle to the edge of the inside circle below. Repeat on the right side. Add a curved line inside the hat. Then add a detail line around the brim.
3. Draw a square in the middle of the hat band. Draw a smaller square inside the first to make a buckle.
4. Add detail lines to the buckle to make it look 3-D.
This Thanksgiving craft is excerpted with permission from "A Thanksgiving Drawing Feast" by Jennifer M. Besel and published by Capstone Young Readers.

