Tell Us What You Like: CraftFoxes Recommendation Tool

Posted by on Nov 29, 2012

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CraftFoxes website

We've had some exciting news at CraftFoxes lately, including the addition of the CraftFoxes weekly alert and your personal dashboard. Both of these tools were created with you in mind! We wanted to help you find the newest crafting inspiration, how-tos, user projects, galleries and more.

Now we have another tool working behind the scenes which we think you'll enjoy. When you spend time on the CraftFoxes website, viewing projects, clicking on blog posts and browsing the different categories of crafts, the CraftFoxes Recommendation Tool is hard at work. In time, you'll be able to log into your dashboard and see your personal recommendations based on the kinds of crafts that inspire you most.

If you like a blog post, how-to or project and want to save it as one of your favorites, just click the Save/Recommend heart icon to the right of the project. This will also help tell the CraftFoxes Recommendation Tool what type of content you like.

If you do not see any Recommendations in your CraftFoxes dashboard, they'll appear when you spend more time browsing the site. We hope you enjoy your personal recommendations!

