Sweater Knitting Patterns to Make a Christmas Tree Ornament
Posted by Oct 05, 2012
As the weather cools, you might browse sweater knitting patterns or think about knitting a new scarf. But if you don't have time to knit a sweater for yourself, perhaps you'd make one for your tree? Knit a tiny Christmas sweater ornament with these free knitting patterns from Berroco Yarn. The first set of patterns comes with 12 variations, from cabled to color-blocked sweaters. If you prefer a turtleneck or cardigan, Berroco has even created a second set of 12 tiny sweater knitting patterns. The third set of patterns features tiny overalls, a sweater cape and a Nordic pullover. Twist a tiny hanger from craft or jewelry wire to complete the look.
Get the free ornament-size sweater knitting patterns how-to from Berroco Yarn, or check out the second set or third set for more variations.
Plus, here's a tutorial about how to knit an ugly Christmas sweater ornament.