Surprising Things Kids Can Use To Make Flowers For Mom

Posted by on Apr 08, 2022

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Surprising Things Kids Can Use To Make Flowers For Mom

Mother's Day is approaching fast and kids everywhere are looking for ways to delight their moms. Here are 5 kid-friendly ideas on how to turn everyday materials into wonderful works of floral art for Mom.


Tulle is not just for adding volume to dresses — take a look at TooTooAmy's video tutorial on how to make flowers with this wonderfully poofy material.

felt fabric flowers

Felt is an easy fabric to work with and it comes in a myriad of colors and patterns. Zebra print roses for Mom? Why not! The felt rosebuds from Creative Jewish Mom are a creative kid's dream.

T-shirt carnations

Turn your kids' old T-shirts into beautifully crafted carnations by following the instructions from The Little Treasures.

scrap paper roses

Kids may choose any type of paper to fashion these roses. Using newspaper or pages from a map are ideal if Mom is an avid reader or world traveler. We Lived Happily Ever After provides instructions on how to make these roses.

toilet paper roll flowers
Toilet Paper Rolls and Egg Cartons

These low-cost, easily accessible materials give kids endless creative options. Michelle Made Me outlines how to make flowers with stems that Mom can use to brighten up her workspace.


